By Hibu Websites
November 14, 2012
This is the month of thanks. Think about all the things that you hold special in your heart and be thankful that you are lucky enough to have them. November is always a good time to throw away your diet and pig out! Always avoid sticky and chewy things so that you won’t break your brackets. Pumpkins Do you have pumpkin leftovers ? So many of us carve our pumpkins, and once Halloween is over, we don’t know what to do with the leftovers. If you love to carve pumpkins but hate dealing with the mess, Michael’s Craft store sells hollow fake pumpkins that are great for carving. Candy Buy Back Remember to bring in Halloween candy to receive extra Century coins. We hope this will help prevent you from breaking brackets. You will receive 1 coin per pound up to 5lbs. Shopping Reminder Day For all of you holiday shoppers, November 25th is shopping reminder day. There is only one month left until Christmas, and Hanukkah begins on the 1st of December. Leaves Falling What a beautiful site to see all the different colors of autumn. This month is the perfect time to spend raking leaves into one enormous pile! Then take a great plunge into them, making an explosion of leaves all over the street. Then hurry to do it all over again. Ice skating begins Most ice skating begins in November. Are the kids hounding you to go ice skating? Well if so here are a few rinks you can go to: Steinberg’s 314-367-7465 Ice Zone at the Mills 314-227-5288 Kirkwood 314-822-5825 Queeny Park 636-391-0900 Vegan Awareness Month What is a Vegan? Veganism is a type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. Many vegans also do not eat foods that are processed using animal products such as refined white sugar and some wines. Most vegans also avoid the use of all products tested on animals as well as animal-derived non-food products, such as leather, fur and wool. Say No to Drunk Drivers Each day drunk drivers are being arrested for driving after drinking too much. Drunk driving cost people $135 billion annually. With $51 billion is just due to the accidents that they are involved in. Drunk drivers are always at fault when they are in an accident even if the other driver caused the accident. The more that one drinks the higher the chance of them getting into an accident. For our patients that are 21 or older please drink responsibly. Remember to always have a designated driver to help keep you safe this holiday season. November Month of Thanks The month of November is a chance to enjoy the time that we have with our families. We give thanks that we have them. We give thanks that we can put food on our tables and love in our hearts. Almost every family in America celebrates Thanksgiving in some way. Many spend it with their families, but many people choose to spend their time helping the less fortunate. They celebrate by making and preparing food to give to the homeless and to those who do not have enough money to provide a thanksgiving dinner. This time of year, there are many food drives. Next time you go to the store remember to pick up a few extra canned goods. That way when the scouts stop by, or schools are asking you to make donations, you won’t have to make a trip out. This is also the month to start thinking about the winter holiday and buying things for your friends and loved ones. There are many places that you can donate gifts, new or used coats, shoes and toys to give to those who have little or nothing. Wild Lights at St. Louis ZOO Visit the St. Louis ZOO for WildLights . Walk through the Zoo's holiday wonderland of spectacular light displays and animals. This is a great event for the whole family. Weekends starting November 23rd-December 30th between 5:30-8:30pm. 314-781-0900 Social Media Century Orthodontics participates in many of the social media that are available on the internet. We do this to stay up to date in our patient’s lives. This makes it easier for them to communicate with us and share ideas. If you would like to join us in any of our social media we work with please do. We offer extra coins and prizes through facebook , twitter , foursquare, pinterest and even our blog. If you don’t always get a chance to view our monthly newspaper it is always available on our blog and you can even see past newspapers. Our blog provides answers to questions that many of our patients have from “how long do I wear my retainer?” to “Should I wear a mouth guard?” This helps not only educate our patients but people all over the world. We love to answer questions. If you have any questions on social media or anything orthodontic please ask one of our assistants and they can help you find the answer. LABELS : 2012 ART FAIR BOOKS CANDY SALE FACEBOOK HALLOWEEN ICE SKATING LEAVES MADD SHOPPING REMINDER SOCIAL MEDIA THANKSGIVING TWITTER VEGAN AWARENESS WILD LIGHTS
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